What happens at the jury-meeting?

1. Establishing number of paddling-days.

2. Scrutinizing log and maps/charts.

3. Asking candid question eye to eye: "With your kayak-honor at stake, have you taken part of the rules, understood them and complied with them"?

4. At approval, grand awarding of miniature kayak.

5. Beer and sandwiches.

6. Coffee and perhaps a look at pictures from the trip.


The chairman's gavel presented to Jim by the Davidsson family in November 2008 in connection with the jury meeting for Johanna Davidsson (HBB 114). The inscription reads: "HBB 2008 Fam Davidsson".


Members of the Jury

Peter Sjödin - Chairman
Thorvald Nielsen
Lilja Nikulásdóttir
Ben Strengell

Honorary Chairman

 Jim Danielsson